
Death by Task Force

“Death by Task Force” - Citizen Advisory Task Force on Dogs in Parks Created by NORD. #SaveMarkeyPark

It must be clear that the Citizen Advisory Task Force on Dogs in Parks was created by NORD. It is easy to allow Vic Richards and other NORD or spokespeople to claim that the Task Force on Dogs decided dogs should not be allowed in Markey Park, as if they are two completely separate entities, when NORD Meeting Minutes demonstrate otherwise.

The re-design of Markey Park will not include an area for dogs despite community members’ input at Bywater Neighborhood Association meetings.
It must be clear that the Citizens’ Advisory Task Force on Dogs and Parks was formed by NORD. Please see minutes from July 12, 2011 - NORDC Meeting

“The NORD Facilities Subcommittee requests the full Commission to allow the Subcommittee to create a Citizens Advisory Committee for the purpose of making recommendations to the Subcommittee on actions to address these concerns specific to their communities.”

Feb 2012 - Citizen Advisory Task Force on Dogs reported back to NORDC (which created it).
Feb 2012 - NORDC Facilities Subcommittee “a committee of the commission” reviewed the task force’s recommendations and information on other cities’ policies.

     **** So NORDC had a committee to review its own committee’s
            findings????) ****

Feb 2012 - The NORDC committee that reviewed the findings of the Task Force on Dogs asked the city’s Capital Projects Administration to design a process to recommend sites for one dog park and one dog run in each City Council district.

“Needs of animals will never supersede needs of humans.” ~ Vic Richards, CEO of NORD-C
Response: Nobody is asking to put dogs before humans. Humans are dog owners. Humans need a place to bring their dogs. Humans deserve to feel that they actually do have a voice in their community when they attend meetings about community space. 
“Dogs and people must have separate park areas.” - Lisanne Brown, BNA Parks and Recreation Committee Chair
Response: The plan that included a separate off-leash dog area with a fence satisfied the need to separate people from dogs.
The 200,000 the BNA is getting for Markey Park redevelopment could be used to address sanitation issues. 

“Kids come first.” - Susan
The park has a separate area with a playground that is fenced off, so the kids and the dogs do not have to be in contact. 

Relationship between NORD and Sub-Committees and 

Citizen Advisory Task Force on Dogs in Parks.
July 12, 2011 - NORDC Meeting

Commissioner Reese Morse motioned that the full Commission authorize the Facilities Sub-Committee to create a Citizens Advisory Committee to develop a process specific to looking at pets in parks and other related issues. Commissioner Darnell seconded that motion. Vote taken. Motion adopted.

The NORD Facilities Subcommittee met Tuesday, July 12, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. in the Office of Homeland Security Conference Room B on 9th Floor. Members in attendance were Deputy Mayor Judy Reese Morse, Rini Marcus, Bobby Garon, and Woody Koppel.

Items to report:
1) Sign inventory and survey of sign conditions at NORD facilities and whether or not rules and regulations are being enforced. Cedric Grant has been asked to take inventory and make sure all facilities have appropriate signage.

2) United States Tennis Association guidance on NORD tennis facilities, and determine which facilities are prepared to serve as tennis centers.

3) Public comment on the safety of NORD parks and playgrounds and dogs visiting the parks in high volume and not being on leashes. The Facilities Subcommittee requests the full Commission to allow the Subcommittee to create a Citizens Advisory Committee for the purpose of making recommendations to the Subcommittee on actions to address these concerns specific to their communities.

Commissioner Reese Morse motioned that the full Commission authorize the Facilities Sub-Committee to create a Citizens Advisory Committee to develop a process specific to looking at pets in parks and other related issues. Commissioner Darnell seconded that motion. Vote taken. Motion adopted.

Sept 2011 - NORDC created the Citizen Advisory Task Force on Dogs in Parks.

Citizen Quote:
There were a series of lively, well-attended meetings about how to redevelop the park with a grant from the Trust for Public Land. Overwhelmingly the neighborhood wants part of the park to remain an off-leash dog park. The design firm observed the daily use of the park for a week, remarked how highly-used it is, then came up with three plans, all of which divided the space in thirds, for a playground, a dog park, and a free space. The meetings were a testament to civic involvement, cooperation and democracy. Then, Vic Richards, the head of NORD, surreptitiously commissioned his own plan, without dogs and rammed it through. This park is an integral community meeting place and it is about to go from being highly used to a drive-by “show park” for developers. The community is angry that we were told we’d have a say, and then clearly did not. P.S. The proposed “dog run” at the Riverfront Park will be much smaller, on-leash, and is, at this point, is not constructed.”

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